
Adult ministry

Welcome To The Adult Minstry

The Adult Ministry exists to provide all individuals with support, encouragement, and resources to be spiritual leaders in their home, work place, and community.

There are a variety of classes available for adults. Whether you're single, married, or simply looking for people your age to connect with, there's a place for you.

Weekly Events
Coming up

Recurring Events for Adults

Depending on holidays and other events, the typical weekly schedule may be altered. Please keep an eye on our social media and/or Prayer Messenger for updates. If you have any questions, please contact us!

9:15 am and 10:30

Various Locations


Life Groups - Sundays

Life Groups or Sunday School—it doesn't matter what it's called—this is a specific time where adults gather in various classes to grow alongside each other in their faith and to support one another during life's many seasons. Contact us to find a group that suits you best.

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm



Evening Worship - Sundays

Every Sunday evening, there is a traditional worship service provided for any and all to attend.

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Reception Room or CAC


Serving with SNL - Sundays

Many of our adults assist with our age appropriate (Preschool, Kids, Preteens, and Students) worship night known as SNL. While serving, parents are able to worship alongside their child(ren) and continue to become the number one disciple maker in their lives. Parents serve in areas such as preparing and serving food, playing games, leading small groups, helping clean up, and more. Contact us to see how you can serve!